10 May How To Install Your Own Replacement Windows

Are you afraid to get new replacement windows because you think they will cost too much money? You may think that you cannot afford new windows for your home, but in reality, you cannot afford not to get new windows. The old windows are not energy efficient and force you to waste energy in heating and cooling your home.

If you are like most people, you are looking for a way to be good to the earth by recycling and becoming aware of your habits that may harm the earth. Many people are moving towards the trend to “go green” and not waste the valuable resources of the earth or poison the air and water with toxic chemicals. Most people are seeking a way to be more earth friendly, yet many live with drafty windows that cause them to uses excessive energy in heating and cooling their homes.

Little do most people realize that they can be more “green” and energy efficient by replacing their old windows themselves. This can save them considerable expense as the windows can be ordered online, delivered and installed by anyone with basic carpentry skills.

The first thing you need to do is to remove all of the casing around the old window unit. The entire window unit will have to go so if you can take it out in pieces, that is usually better. The casing is first and then begin to detach the unit from the window opening. This is the most difficult aspect of replacing the windows. You can damage the windows but want to be sure not to get glass all over the place. If the windows have been in the frame for a long time, they may be difficult to get out. You may have to do some pushing, prodding and use a crowbar to remove them.

Once the frame is clear of the windows, you can sand down the edges and install the replacement window unit. This is not difficult but must be screwed securely into the window jambs. After the unit is secure, you should use a level to make sure that it is even. Do not trust your eyesight. Also make sure that the window opens and closes properly.

After the window unit is in, you will need to caulk around the unit on the inside and outside. The caulk will take a day or so to dry. You can then put the casing, or trim back up on the inside of the window. If you have shutters or any ornamental casing outside, wait for the caulk to dry before putting it back in place.

You can try one window to see if you can manage to do this job before you order an entire set of replacement windows. Chances are that you will be glad to do this job yourself.

Saving the earth as well as money in energy costs can be easy if you replace your old windows with energy efficient windows. You can save a lot more money by doing the job yourself.

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